Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Starting over

 I haven't posted anything in a very long time! I have also been in one of the longest reading slumps ever!! It's been over four years since I picked up a book and actually got to finish it. It makes me sad because reading was always a way of escaping and coping. I've tried multiple times to pick up a book and get back into the grove of reading but I just can't get myself to finish any book. I'm still buying books and spending my money on them even though I'm not reading. 

Reading has always been my favorite pastime and with all the stress of my job and life I have neglected myself and what makes me happy. So I've finally decided that I should take care of myself and get back to doing what I love. Ive also been discovering other hobbies that I extremely enjoy like hiking and baking. 

I can't wait to get back to doing what I love and what makes me happy!

Monday, October 26, 2015


Because I recently started this blog I've decided to host a giveaway one lucky winner will win Breadcrumbs By anne Ursuall you have to do is follow me on goodreads https:// www.goodreads.com/user/show/26153138-lupe and on  twitter and Retweet the giveaway post. Good luck! (:

Starting over 😔😀

So I've decided to start up my blog once again. I stopped blogging last year because I was going through some tough times, especially due to my depression. I love books and like always they got me through this set back. Can't wait to meet and make new friends! - Lupe 😘

Right now I'm currently reading Graceling by kristin Cashore. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3236307-graceling?ac=1 Everyone talksabout the trilogy and I finally got my hands on Graceling. Can't wait to finish it and talk about!